Waste Water Treatment “AEWAR“ & Energy Systems Technology.

Destructive Distillation

Reecon uses proprietary electric reactor technology to convert biomass material like COCONUT SHELL, WOOD & PELLETS to respective Charcoal, Gas, and Bio oil.
Plant Processing capacity: 2000 kg/ day – 10,000 kg/ day.
Products Obtained
High quality charcoal : Charcoal is raw material for activated carbon, as substitute to petroleum coke, as a raw material in reduction process in steel industry or foundries, as a raw material in carbide plant and many other industrial uses.
Tar: A very good anti-corrosion, anti-rodent, anti-mouth, anti-saline, paint, and can be used as very good raw material for manufacture of high grade marine paints and automobile paints.
Bio Oil: Very good raw material for manufacture of Anti termite application
Gas: This gas can be used for Thermal and Fuel purpose directly and also to produce electricity using specially designed gas engine generators.
. Electricity produced can be used for captive or grid connectivity
. A renewable energy project with no emission.

For more details please contact us
